When planning your event remember that its success depends in part on how well you get the word out to the McKenzie community. The primary and best way to do this is to use the McKenzie PTA Website and the McKenzie Monitor (email newsletter). Other communication options, all discussed below, are available to support your Monitor and website messages.

PTA Communications

Submitting a Communications Request:

Whats Available

  • Your information may be displayed in two places on the Home Page:

    • The Announcements and News section is where most information about upcoming events, volunteer requests etc will be posted. If your communications request is long / you feel it needs a separate page to provide more details, links etc., please email webmaster@mckenziepta.com with a request for a separate page to be created.

    • New to 2022 - The Home Page Banners at the top of the website can be requested and used as a tool to draw visual attention to your communication request. You will be able to specify if a banner is needed in the communications request form. We will ask for a header text for said banner. The ideal is to keep it short.

    The general guidelines for the use of the website are:

    • Submit all requests at least one week prior to desired posting; please provide additional time if your request is very complicated / requires a home page banner.

    • The homepage has limited space and occasionally the timing of events requires prioritization of the spaces on the webpage. We will do our best to accommodate all requests, but keep in mind that the sooner we know about the request the better we can plan.

    • In situations where your message is long / has lots of details, you’ll want to split up your message into a short piece for the homepage with a link to a separate page with your event details. Please email the webmaster with this specific request.

    • Requests should be submitted in ready-to-use form and should contain all the required detail without need for significant editing. We rely on you to check dates and other facts so please make sure you validate the details with your PTA VP or committee chair before submission.

    • Submit articles by 3:00 PM on the prior Wednesday (the Monitor comes out on either Friday or Saturday each week).

    • Since many people read the Monitor on a phone, we suggest that you keep the articles as short as possible. If you have a lot of information to communicate, put the most important facts into the article and link to the website for details.

    • Request should be submitted in ready-to-use form and should contain all the required detail without need for significant editing. We rely on you to check dates and other facts so please make sure you validate the details with your PTA VP or committee chair before submission.

  • The large bulletin board in the Main Lobby is available for events that are kid-focused and is used to get kids excited about an event. This bulletin board is split into 3 sections, a large center section and two smaller sections on either side. The side sections are normally used to display student art, but alternative uses can be arranged with advance planning. Should you wish to use the Main Lobby bulletin board, please submit your request via the Bulletin Board Request Form as soon as possible (at least one month in advance). This limited resource needs advance planning.

  • There may be times when you would like communicate via Room Parents; for example if you want to communicate only to a particular grade. This method of communication should be used only in limited circumstances. All requests to send information via Room Parents should be sent to the VP of Room Parents at roomparents@mckenziepta.com. It is important to use this single point of contact to disseminate the information to ensure Room Parents (and all parents) recognize the source of the emails.

  • Non-PTA related information for the district newsletters is compiled by Nancy Potisuk at potisukn@wilmette39.org