"Choose Kind" January!

We are excited to kick off the new year by spreading kindness and inclusion! Our McKenzie students love to "Choose Kind". Now, let's celebrate that with two very special events!

RED Week (Respect and Embrace Differences)
January 23-27, 2023
During RED Week, students will be participating in grade-level and whole school activities to learn more about what makes us each unique.

McKindness Mission
January 17 - 31, 2023
McKindness Mission is a unique way for us to raise money for McKenzie while impacting our community. Students ask friends and family for donations to pay for a more inclusive playground via a secured online platform and pay it forward through Acts of Kindness. What a great way to teach our students the importance of kindness, inclusion, and gratitude!

McKenzie will donate a percentage of apparel sales to The Nora Project, a nonprofit organization based in the North Shore that promotes disability inclusion by empowering educators and engaging students and communities. Red Week Apparel can be purchased at https://humankind.shop/collections/mckenzie-red-week .


Recycling volunteers needed!


Red Week Apparel Sale!