About The McKenzie PTA

The McKenzie PTA is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, nonprofit, which must adhere to standards of affiliation and strict IRS requirements. The main function of any PTA organization is to collect extra resources from the community to support various educational programs, extracurricular activities, and infrastructure improvements that are not covered in the school’s budget.

At McKenzie, these yearly opportunities include the following for your children:

  • Reimbursing teachers for classroom supplies (up to only $200!)

  • Garden upkeep and programming

  • Room Parent expenses

  • Open Gym Nights

  • Teacher Appreciation activities and staff luncheons

  • Field Day

  • 4th grade farewell activities

  • 3rd grade green team

  • Student Leadership Council expenses

· … and lots more!

These programs would not exist without PTA fundraising activities such as Sign-Up Parties and the Variety Show.


For more information about the McKenzie PTA funds and how they are spent, you can view the full budget here.

Some key details:

  • On average, the PTA budgets about $16,500 annually to support various teacher/educational programs and more than $17,000 on student impact programs.

  • iGNITE fundraising efforts directly pay for student enrichment activities such as class field trips and author visits.

  • Additional PTA-hosted activities, such as the Ice Cream Social, and Fall Frenzy are designed to build our school community rather than raise significant funds.

  • In recent years, the playground was a specific capital fundraising effort. Stay tuned for a “Gift Survey” that will seek input from the community to determine our next big fundraising initiative.

Thank you for your continued generosity in support of your McKenzie PTA.